Monday, October 24, 2022

RECOM Technologies Drops a PV Module with Heterojunction Technology

RECOM Technologies a company based in France launches LION 390Wp Bifacial HJT Mono Crystalline Double Glass Module. Basically, the LION 390Wp Bifacial HJT Mono Crystalline Double Glass Module features a Heterojunction (HJT) technology which  is an advanced technology which provides longer lifespan and boasts also of high-performance PV Module.

Moreover, the LION 390Wp Bifacial HJT Mono Crystalline Double Glass Module is available from 375Wp and goes above 700Wp and it has also a mind boggling 30 Years Product Warranty & Output Warranty.


Bifacial HJT Mono Crystalline Double Glass Module

30 Years Product Warranty & Output Warranty

Low Temperature Coefficient -0,24%/Celsius

>91,25% performance output after 30 years

10-35% Power Generation Gain

Module efficiency over 22,5%

High Bifaciality / High Energy Yield / Low Degradation


RECOM's power plants are certified to ISO 9001 and 14001 standards and Lion series is fully certified to IEC61215 & 61730 standards. Lion series is also certified to withstand extreme wind Testing [2400 Pascal] and snow loads [5400 Pascal).

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