In an era where precision and efficiency are paramount, Hexagon's Manufacturing Intelligence division introduces a groundbreaking leap forward with the PRESTO System. This innovative suite of automated robotic inspection cells is set to redefine the landscape of 3D measurement across automotive and aerospace manufacturing sectors. With its launch, the PRESTO System emerges as a beacon of scalability, versatility, and integration, embodying the next step in automated quality inspection.
At its core, the PRESTO System builds upon the robust foundation of Hexagon's turnkey PRESTO quality inspection cell. This modular suite is designed from the ground up to provide manufacturers with a future-proof solution that not only meets but exceeds the current standards of scalable and versatile automated quality inspection. Its deployment across global manufacturing sites heralds a new era of quality control and smart factory automation, underpinned by common standards that promise uniform excellence.
The PRESTO System is a game-changer for manufacturers seeking agility in their operations. With its automated robotic programming, a single quality control specialist can now create, test, and deploy robust robotic inspections in mere hours. This level of efficiency and flexibility allows operators to switch between inspecting different parts with ease, thanks to an intuitive control panel. In an industry often hindered by skills shortages, PRESTO's ability to eliminate repetitive manual setup and calibration processes is a critical advantage. By halving the total inspection time compared to other modern technologies, PRESTO enables teams to focus on operational excellence.
Hexagon's PRESTO System is a testament to the power of integrating industry-leading scanning technologies into a seamless, turnkey solution. This approach not only facilitates faster and more accurate automated inspections but also empowers manufacturers with valuable metrology data essential for smart manufacturing. The system's agnostic nature ensures easy integration with existing metrology and quality assurance software, enabling continuous process improvement and the optimization of quality.
The modular design of the PRESTO System offers unparalleled flexibility and scalability, allowing manufacturers to quickly adapt their quality inspection capacity to meet evolving business needs. The system's compliance with safety standards like CE and UL simplifies the replication process across various regions, ensuring consistent performance and easing regulatory compliance for multinational corporations. This standardization, coupled with Hexagon's global support network, ensures that manufacturers can leverage the benefits of robotic quality inspection worldwide.
Hexagon's vision for the PRESTO System is clear: to set a new benchmark in flexibility and scalability for robotic inspection solutions. The system's modular design, intuitive interface, and compatibility with a wide range of metrology software make it a versatile tool for manufacturers of all sizes. As the demand for advanced automation continues to grow, PRESTO stands ready to meet the challenge, paving the way for a future where automation enhances productivity and manufacturing efficiency.
In conclusion, Hexagon's PRESTO System is not just an advancement in robotic quality inspection; it's a revolution that promises to shape the future of manufacturing. With its launch, Hexagon reaffirms its commitment to leveraging data and technology to enhance efficiency, productivity, quality, and safety across various sectors. As we look towards a more connected and autonomous manufacturing ecosystem, the PRESTO System stands out as a key milestone in our journey towards a scalable and sustainable future.
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